

Matsushima (松島) is famous for its bay full of small eroded islands full with pines. It is part of the three most scenic spots in Japan (together with Amanohashidate and Miyajima). It is possible to cruise along the island on a boat as well as enter some island more close to the coastline.


Matsushima is easily reached from Sendai (仙台). I took the train to Shiogama Station (塩釜駅) where I boarded the ship which crossed Matsushima Bay (松島湾) to Matsushima. From there you can take the train back to Sendai from the nearby Matsushima Kaigan Station (松島海岸駅).


Japan Guide Outline
Matsushima Tourism
Miyajima was long on my to-do list. When I made a Tohoku tour in 2010 I skipped it in favor of Akita which I kind of regretted until this day. Realizing that Matsushima is kind of a tourist circus I could temper my expectations though. Also, the weather was a bit cloudy and as I just had finished the same day a week of hard physical work I was kind of tired.

I decided to take the Matsushima Bay Cruise ship which departs from Shiogama and ends at Matsushima. Even though the cloudy weather somewhat disturbed the view, some of these eroded rock islands are truly impressive. I recommend that everyone gets out of the comfortable seats of the ship to have a way better view from the rear of the ship.
Once arrived in Matsushima I walked along the coast and paid to enter Fukuura Island. This island’s walking trails were shorter than I imagined, but nevertheless it was very nice with some clear vistas and not many visitors. Walking a bit back I also entered Oshima Island which had some quiet benches for peace of mind. The nearby road works were kind of disturbing though. I did not feel to enter the Zuiganji Temple which was under construction nor was I in the mood to enter the tea house. I did take a short walk to the Godaido though, which was nice but not special in any way.

I actually wanted to hike to a nice viewing spot nearby in Higashi-Matsushima, but as I was really physically tired I just walked to the station and got back to my hotel.

On a clear day I will definitely go back though, as it is easy to understand why this place has become one of the three most scenic spots in Japan.

>>More pictures<<


Just dwelling away.

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